What is the Tensile Strength of Steel in TMT Bars?

The foundation of any structure plays a very crucial role in determining how strong the structure is. The quality of materials used in the foundation can easily determine how strengthened the foundation will be. And in the case of concrete structures, the strength of TMT bars plays a very important role. So, how do you determine the strength of these TMT bars? It is done with the help of tensile strength. And what is the tensile strength of steel exactly? Let’s find out.

TMT Bars

What is the tensile strength of steel? 

What is the tensile strength of steel? 

The tensile strength of steel can be defined as the maximum amount of stress a material can take without breaking under a pulling force. In much simpler words, it can be said to be the resistance of a material to stretching or pulling. Tensile strength is the fundamental property of any material. 

While there are a lot of measures available, Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) is the most common and significant one used. It is measured in the unit of Pascals (Pa), or Per square inch (psi). 

Now that we know what is the tensile strength of steel, let us understand the different types of tensile strength. 

1. Yield Strength

Yield strength is basically how much you can stretch a material before it stops being elastic and starts to permanently bend out of shape. It’s the point where the material gets too stretched and won’t come back to its original shape completely.

2. Fracture Strength 

Fracture strength refers to the maximum amount of force (pressure or stress) a material can take before it breaks. Simply said, it means how strong the material is against breaking under pressure. 

3. Fatigue Strength

Fatigue strength is the amount of stress a material can handle over and over without breaking. The higher the fatigue strength, the more bending or flexing it can take before breaking.  

Advantages of high tensile strength in TMT Bars

TMT bars are essential and specific types of steel bars that are exclusively used in construction. They are known for their qualities like strength and ductility, which add a lot to the protection of a structure. With the presence of these qualities, these bars can absorb stress and prevent structures from breaking immediately under immense pressure. So what are the advantages of this strength? 

Advantages of high tensile strength in TMT Bars

1. More resilient 

TMT Bars with high tensile strength can withstand much higher pressures and stresses without breaking or bending compared to those with lower tensile strength.

2. Increased Efficiency

High tensile strength TMT bars can be used to create thinner or smaller structures to handle the same amount of loads. This leads to a much more efficient use of materials and space.

3. Lighter Weight

Due to their inherent strength, less TMT Bars can be used to achieve the same level of performance. This allows for lighter-weight components to be created. This is necessary in applications where weight reduction can contribute to improved performance.

4. Improved Safety

In situations where failure or any effects of forces can have extreme consequences, high-tensile strength TMT bars provide an extra margin of safety.


In conclusion, tensile strength is a major determinant of a structure’s strength and reliability. It is very essential to consider the tensile strength of TMT bars before choosing it to become the foundation of major infrastructure projects. 

Jumbo TMT bars are known for their strength and the ability to withstand extreme pressure and forces, i.e. have a high tensile strength. So, the next time you have to choose the TMT bars with high tensile strength, choose JUMBO TMX.